Sunday, September 30, 2012


  1. That it was a real change for  people to write this way, because it was all about people digging their ditches and keeping their heads down. To show that you were good and all about God.
  2. A few words that makes you notice that is Romanticism: We, I.
  3. A lot of poets used the words thou, thy. Like an old language. I only hear these words at church in prayers, which kind makes you think that these people still used church language. Even though it was kinda wrong to write about your views. Which made me confused on what they were talkking aobut.

Romanticism Research

  1. I like this website the most because it explained it more.
  2. Gave examples of actual american poets that uses romanticism.
  3. How poets before america started to get to the point of romacticism.
  1. Nature of Nature
  2. Change of philospher's ideas. human culture was focused on themselves
  1. William Blake
  2. Definately talking about his view.

A walk with a million thoughts

So taking a walk after  a softball game is a good and bad thing. I thought of so many things that could of gone right. Things I could of done better. Ughhhhhh!!!!!!
  • Why aren't these girls putting everything they have into these games.
  • Maybe i should quit fall ball and just keeping playing travel ball if they are just there to have fun.
  • Being on two softball teams and conditioning is too much.
  • Maybe tomorrow i can lock myself in the room and act llike i am sick.
  • Another poem!
  • CRAP, i have math homework.
*why is this dog chasing me!( on my way home, some dog jumped the fence and started chasing)

Note: After thinking about what i wrote, it definately sound like romanticism

Thursday, September 27, 2012

vocab 6

adroit: clever
amicable: friendly
averse: strongly disliking something
belligerent: engaged in war/conflict
benevolent: kind
cursory: careless
duplicity: dishonest
extol: to praise
feasible: easy, convenient
grimace: expression of pain/disgust
holocaust: slaughter in mass numbers
impervious: not allowing fluid to pass through
impetus: energy in which a body moves
jeopardy: danger of failure
meticulous: very careful, neat
nostalgia: fond memories
quintessence: perfect example
retrogress: to go back, worse state
scrutinize: examine closely
tepid: lukewarm

-that adroit fox got away from the hunter
-i like to consider myself very amicable
-i m averse towards drama between girls
-iraq and the us have been belligerent for years
-the benevolent waitress gave us free drinks
-some kids are very cursory when it comes to school
-the duplicity of that woman irks me
-back in the day most people extol the church on a daily basis
-living next to my best friend is very feasible because we hang out everyday
-after eating that raw union my face looked grimace
-the holocaust devastated many people
-cups are impervious thats why we can take them everywhere
-i don't want to jeopardize this game by fouling out
-my aunt is the most meticulous person ive ever met
-the nostalgia of my childhood make me want to go back in time
-i retrogress on when my parents split up
-my family always scrutinize me its annoying
-the tepid water was perfect for the babys bath

dream in a dream

i like it when he says he loses all the grain from his hand and can't hold it tighter. I think that resembles all the people in his life have just left him alone and he doesn't know how to keep them here with him. just weeps and weeps

Monday, September 24, 2012

Revisons to YGM essay

  • To not quickly towards the end of the essay.
  • to put more thought  in the end.
  • i got A so that was it lol.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Novels of american authors


In Cold Blood


Monday, September 17, 2012

vocab #5

1)Allude- to mention, suggest
2) Clairvoyant- seer/reading minds
3)Conclusive - convincing
4) Disreputable- not respectable
5) Endemic- regularly fond
6) Exemplary- desirable
7) Fathom- understand
8) Guile- sly intelligence
9) Integrity- strong moral principles
10) Itinerary- planned route
11) Misconstrue- explain wrong
12) Obnoxious- unpleasant
13) Placate- make less angry
14) Placid- not easily upset or excited
15) Plagiarism- raking someone's ideas and using them as your own
16) Potent- having great affect
17) Pretext- something put forward to conceal truth
18) Protrude- extend beyond
19)Stark- completely naked
20) Superficial- appearing to be true until examined closer

1)you tried to be allude during the conversation, but yet still seemed quite.
2)The dude at the fair was clairvoyant at guessing my wait.
3)The politicains are very conclusive to their voters, that they promise things that will not happen.
4)The people that come late are disreputable towards their students in the class, the course, the teachers, and themselves.
5)My granpa becomes very endemic of his garden.
6)The male models seem more exemplary on tv rather than in reality.
7) Fathom started to show on her face when she got more into the notes.
8)When it came to basketball my mom is very guile.
9)Integrity seems to show up in every church standards.
10) Counclers at the school seem to be Itinerary with their students 6 year plans.
11)Dr. preston wanted to Misconstrue with the vocabulary words today.
12)My little brother is very Obnoxious, and should learn to be more mature.
13) The vice principal try to help students in being Placate.
14) People, when high, tend to be very Placid, and calm.
15) I think people use Plagiarism because they are lazy, and don't want to do their own work.
16) The resources you surround your self  become very Potent on how you succeed.
17)There is Pretext in the bible explain what is going to happen in the chapter.
18) Sometimes Guys thought are Protrude, and instead of having clean ones.
19) Please do not go stark to school.
20) Dummies in the mall are Superficial.

Laughing Heart questions

1. The poem is called "The Laughing Heart" by Charles Bukowski
2. This poem is ironic because the poem is about living life to the fullest but its a commercial about the clothing brand levis
3. The poem doesn't really reflect the authors reputation but maybe his life as an adult. "There is light somewhere. It may not be much light but it beats the darkness", reading this line was kind of like him stating "My past wasn't an easy one but i chose to go forth with my life". His reputation became a good one because he decided to go forth in life so in a way it does reflect his reputation in a deeper way.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Charles Bukowski- go forth

Originally uploaded by Emelobi.
your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is a light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.

@Charles Bukowski

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Revisions to ygb essay (outline)

Elements:  should of put more examples. I felt rushed and I was more sett on just getting the essay finished rather than format.
Um my mechanics proobally were little off. I have the tendency to not write the correct form of sentences.
More intelled details

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Vocab fall list #4

 1.melancholy- deppresses; affected by a cause.
 2.Exemplary- serving as model or warning.
3.Peculiar- uncommon/strange.
 4.dread- to fear greatly.
 5.bough- a branch of a tree.
6.pious- having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for god or an earnest wish to fulfill religous obligations.
7.comunion- sharing thoughts or emotions.
8.auditor- someone who checks stuff.
9.multitude- a great number.
 10. eloquence- to practice or use art with fluency and aptriess.
11.despair- loss of hope.
12.hoary- gray or white in age.
1.He had no sucssful military experience, no formal education, and suffered for depression and melancholy all his life.
 2.Use his irrepressible spirit, his impressive character, his exemplary treatment of his fellow beings.
 3. Astronomers had our sun as picuilar for its dearth of lithium.
4.The bank says it keeps plenty of liquid reservess against the dread day.
5.The humming bird feeder hanging from its lowest bough.
 6.The telling, though, is never merely slemn or pious.
7.I communioned with god today.
 8. the auditor checked my fiances today.
9.A multitude of people showed up to the party.
10. we were struck by eloquence of you words in describing your situation.
11.There was also the doom and gloom of despair, the despondency the prevailed in the place.
12. Hoary marmots are large rodents that live mainly in alpine areas.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

2.o tools

Honestly, I think more than half our class is not ready to take this type of course yet. Evven though we only have two years left, and should be getting ready for this kind of teaching, we are not mature enoguh. I decided on this choice becuase I want to get ready for college, but not everybody is ready for this kind of jump.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Symbols and signs have lead us into fear. I went on my own research and found Dr.Falconer had given a pretty good reason. - Everyone knows sex sells. Greed sells too, and again, this is something we all know. But little did we know that the really big, best seller of all is FEAR and it’s companion, dread. Here are some current ‘epidemic’, ‘impending’ ‘catastrophe-in-the-making’, brilliantly-marketed FEARS: Fear of recession, depression, terrorists, war, disease, food, air, climate change, computer crashes, natural disasters, breast size, impotency, break-ins, drug czars and addicts, immigrants and aging. Here I focus on an area closest to my own experience as a physician-psychiatrist: the fear of illness and dying. As you read about overcoming and transcending this fear, think of it as an effective metaphor for the other fears listed above. When you come to the end reread the piece substituting each fear. Start with this fact: To fear our body is a powerful way to create disease. Why is this? Because fear is about being attacked and when you think you are going to be attacked you are both hard-wired and soft-wired for flight or fight. This, in simple terms, is bad for your physical health when carried on continuously or repetitively on an intermittent basis. Your body is not set up to be constantly on the alert for danger or shocked repeatedly by the unexpected. It is not necessary to go into the physiology of why this might lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and even cancer. Here is the rub: If fear can be created it leads to disease thereby proving that the fear was warranted. This is every politician, salesman and businessman’s dream: to create a need for snake oil. In the external world we no longer buy a car or a house just for comfort and to raise a family, former symbols of success and stability that they were. We now buy an alarm system surrounding a car or house to protect us from an attack that is inevitably coming. s similarly in our internal world, in the case of fear of illness, we are taught to wait to be attacked from within by scary pathogens of all types, prions, viruses, bacteria, fungi, worms or ravaging cancerous cells. We are then inundated with words and images encouraging us to attack back with drugs and vaccines. Television sets, both advertisement and news, are now literally more like warning systems for an impending attack, even if it is a sneak attack like impotence. Get them, (it), before they, (it), get us. This simply doesn’t work to ease fear; it creates fear. In the process a lot of drugs are sold in pharmacies and in the streets, for when you are talked into fear and then become an attacker you solidify the idea that attack must be coming and complete a circle of dread. If I need one drug, then I must need another. If I attack anything I inevitably will be more afraid as I wait for retaliation. The facts are that, as I point out in the book, your body is a perfect part of the perfect whole always healing itself. It is an error to think your body is defective or that you have a basic fault, or that you are split and separate from a perfect whole. The words you use to overcome fears are central to your sense of peace of mind and joyful living. Focus the words you choose on wholeness and unity and thereby stop ‘buying into’ fears such as the fear of illness and the enticement to attack and demonize your body. As you see you are part of larger wholeness your immune system is strengthened so your body can naturally do what it does best, serve as an amazing communication device. Put your attention on remembering yourself. Make it your intention to do the following simple exercise daily. With your eyes closed take a deep breath in and repeat these three phrases ten times, morning and night as you breath out: 1) I Won’t indulge in fear and I Won’t identify with my body 2) I Will love the world and I Will forgive myself and others, and 3) I Am whole and healed. I AM LOVE. As you work these Three Words, Won’t, Will and Am, you will begin to experience recovery from their healing power. Dr. Clark Falconer is a Guest Blogger for PickTheBrain. He is a practicing Psychiatrist from Vancouver, Canada and the author of the new, critically acclaimed book The Three Word Truth About Love And Being Well. To receive daily tips on the power of words follow Clark on Twitter Source: Me again: So we tend to fear because we are humans and we humans can mentaly paint a faint image in our own minds. By this image we create, it becomes into a fear and becomes reality. By symbols and signs that we have been surrounding us, scare ourselve, because mentality think we have to do it to prove things. This is how we are wired. If we honestly tried to be unique we become symbols, ourselves. Than, thos symbols become copied.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fall vocabulary list 3

Encomium- A formal expression of high praise;eulogy. Coherent- Logically connected; consistent. Belabor- To explain,worry about, or work out repeatedly or more than necessary. Eschew- To abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid. Acquisitive- Tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily. Emulate- To try to equal or excel. Arrogate-To attribute or assign to another. Banal- Devoid of freshness or originality. Excoriation- To strip the skin of a human or an animal. Congeal- To curdle; coagulate, as a fluid. Carping- Characterized by fussy petulant faultfinding. Substantiate- To establish by proof or oe competent evidence. Temporize- To treat or parley so as to gain time. Largesse- Generous bestowal of gifts. Tenable- Capable of being held, maintained, or defended. insatiable-Incapable of being satisfied or pleased. Reconnaissance- The act of reconnoitering. Germane- Obsolete. Closely related. Ramify- To divide or spread out into branches.

Monday, September 3, 2012

symbolism of Young goodman brown

1. Goodman Brown’s name plays as a symbol in the story. His name Goodman means Gentleman during that time period, and he is symbolic to mankind. 2.The name Faith is symbolic of Brown’s lost hope 3.When the pink ribbon falls from the sky, he cries "My Faith is gone", Brown talks about how much faith he has. 4.The traveler is symbolic of the devil and Goodman Brown’s dark side. All of the branches the traveler touches wilt and die. 5.Taking the dark dreary road into the forest symbolizes his act of "plunging into the road leading to despair",The move into darkness gives the feeling of upcoming danger. This is what i can pick out of it

young man goodbrown questions

What do you think Hawthorne's purpose was for writing this story? -Have no idea, it was little creepy for me Hawthorne states that Brown's wife is "aptly named" Faith. After reading the story, do you agree? Does Faith's name fit her personality? Does Brown have true faith in her? -Brown had always had faith in his wife, because she wasn't the a witch. What do you think the pink ribbons signify? Was everything Brown witnessed real, a figment of his imagination, something conjured by evil, or a dream? Support your answer with passages from the text. -When Brown was going through the forest he could know were faith was, because of pink ribbons put on the branches, Who do you think the old man really is? What textual clues tell you this? - What does the staff represent? Do you think the staff leads Brown onward or is the primary motivator Brown's own conscience/mind? - evil If Brown had not ventured into the forest, how would his life be different? If he'd stayed home, would Brown still have Faith? Would he still trust his wife and his fellow townspeople - He went dellusional.
