Sunday, October 28, 2012

novel synposis

*bare with me, i really don't understand how to do this. Everybody says it is meant to be boring.

- During surgery, Matthew has a dream while he is in surgery for cancer. About being adopted. He just thinks it is a dream
-Matthew has surgery since he was born, and was put up for adoption cuz is parents couldn't afford the surgies.
about his mid twenties, he meets this nurse, that always takes care of him.
- He falls in love with her.
-After one of his surgeries he ask the nurse to be his house nurse, to help him recover.
-She says yes.
- She moves in for only 6 months.
-He trys to dazzle her with gifts and candies.
-she keeps rejecting him.
- Half way through the six moths, he goes crazy.
-She takes him to the silem.
-He gets out after a few weeks and become normal.
- He is still in love with her, but his crazy side takes over and one night he kills the nurse in her sleep.
-still in love with her he cry
-freaks out, trys to make it look like it is a sucide.
-finds her diary, and finds out this is his older sister
-his dream is true
-goes out to find his parents, to let them know his sister killed her stuff.
-they want to become part of his life and help him
-they move in
-police go on for months and are pretty sure it is sucide for the nurse.
- the police go to the dr. and ask him some questions
-they find out that he was in love with the nurse and was put in for being crazy for a couple of weeks
-parents find out and leave quickly as they could
-Before the police get there Matthew kills himself, the same way he killed his sister.

* Please if you have any ideas, don't be afraid to comment. i will take any of them into consideration.


  1. The guys name is matthew wow. Lol

  2. The sister has a fiance and Mathew is trying to get the nurse to dump him. And after the death of the nurse the fiance knows that mathew killed her but can't prove it the fiance knows everything about the nurse and Mathews relationship of brother and sister. The fiance confronted Mathew about his theory of what Mathew did to his one and only love. Mathew tells him he didn't do it that he would never do such a thing to his sister. After the fiance left Mathew began to get angry and started trying to plot against the fiance.

